Just thought I'd put up a few pics from our Christmas day, even if it was a while ago now!
Christmas PJ's the girls got the night before =)
Handing out the presents...
Yoghurt parfaits have become our Christmas morning tradition...
Having a play with the new toys...
Obligatory Christmas tree photo...
Lebkuchen, a traditional German spiced biscuit...
Christmas table at my mum's...
The kids all waiting patiently for their gifts...
And ripping into them!
Can you see her "lisstick"?? (p.s. why do they colour kids lip gloss??? Just an uncoloured lip balm for kids would be great!)
Stollen, another traditional German treat...
No words for this one...
Playing with bubbles, nothing beats bubbles!
I hope you all had an awesome Christmas! Even if it was awhile ago now...