Tuesday, 15 December 2015


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week for 2015"
Group shots this week!

 Chloe, Eva and Lyra: Making reindeer nose biscuits! Big girls roll the dough, Lyra puts a thumbprint in the middle =D

Chloe and Eva: My crazy big girls (actually getting along)


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week for 2015"
 Lyra: Carrot fresh from the garden (she even let me clean the dirt off first!)

 Eva: painting salt dough decorations (I added a bit of cinnamon to make them smell nice)

Chloe: My lanky leg, grown up girl.


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week for 2015"

Lyra: Num, num Monkey.

Eva: Ooblek tea party

Chloe: Never too old for ooblek!

Friday, 11 December 2015

Color Run 2015

So every year since the Color Run first came to Perth, we have participated. Even twice in one year! We've done it as a family of four, with my sister and her family, with me pregnant and with Lyra a baby in the Ergo.
This year we did it as a family of five, with all of us walking!

 Chloe with her medal
 My little rainbow baby!

 Half way snack.

 Eva's medal
 Lyra's medal

Was an awesome (and tiring!) day!!

Thursday, 10 December 2015


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week for 2015"

Ok so this was a SUPER busy week! So there is a photo overload! I just couldn't decide!!

Lyra:helping Daddy make pizza.

Lyra: the current favourite dressup. "flutter, flutter" 

Eva: Baking

Eva: Baby Emu Eeeek for her assembly.

 Chloe: Our annual spring flower stained glass window.


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week for 2015"
 Lyra: she's always on the stool when I'm in kitchen now. Also I can't leave any food on the bench...she eats it.

 Eva: she like to swing REALLY high...

and so does Chloe!

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Halloween 2015

I thought I'd share some photos from our Halloween. I seriously love dressing up!
We have a very Harry Potter obsessed Chloe (luckily, otherwise I'd have to disown her!) so this year I decided to do a Harry Potter theme for our decorations. SO. MUCH. FUN.
I did a fair bit of research, pinterest and the like. But as usual bumbled my way through using a mix of tutorials, photos, imagination and flying by the seat of my pants!
It all turned out pretty well though!

 Just follow the spiders...

 Oh my gosh my Sorting Hat! I was SO happy with how he turned out, seriously, just look at him!
He was surprisingly easy to make too! I made a hat from thick card and sticky taped some arch shapes to make his eye sockets and mouth. I sprayed the whole thing with quilt basting spray and just draped the fabric on!

Mandrakes and a wand. I made two wands, but Chloe used one for part of her costume.

 Potions kit.

Eva was Dyna Mite, one of the Lalaloopsy dolls. I used this tutorial for the wig.

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week for 2015"

 Lyra: hell hath no fury like Lyra if you try and take her shopping basket...

Eva: making Halloween houses.

Chloe: park with friends, she was pooped!


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week for 2015"

Lyra: she's discovered the stool gives her access to the kitchen bench. If the big girls are on there she goes up to them "Coco, OFF!" and climbs up herself!! 

Chloe and Eva: pumpkin painting for Halloween!


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week for 2015"

 Lyra: the beach days have begun...

Eva: making dreamcatchers for her bedroom

Chloe: picking broadbeans in the morning sunlight before the wasps come out!

Monday, 5 October 2015


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week for 2015"

Lyra: the long days and SUPER hot, humid weather were a bit too much!

 Eva: lighting incense at the Buddha's Tooth Temple in Chinatown.
 Chloe: going to fly away.

Made a link up! Hooray!! (here